November 12, 2022

What is your dominant money behavior?

The team reveals the results of their money personality tests

Episode Transcript

Peter Dunn
And we're live here on the Pete the Planner show. It's Hoodie Sweatshirt Day. I know you're listening from an audio perspective, but it's Hoodie Sweatshirt Day, both here on my carcass as well as a lot of my coworkers here in HQ one and HQ two at your money line. No one cares what I'm wearing. What are you wearing, Dame?


Damian Dunn
It's not true. Has anybody question your choice of fashion? Camel on Veterans Day?


Peter Dunn


Kristen Ahlenius
Stolen valor.


Peter Dunn
Oh, no. Oh, my gosh. That is way on the nose. I'm uncomfortable.


Kristen Ahlenius
Just turn it inside out then. It looks like you're headed to go deer hunting after this.


Peter Dunn
Now I look like Big Bird. Boy, that is dame. Wow. How are you, Kristen?


Kristen Ahlenius
I'm doing well. How are you?


Peter Dunn
I think people will love today what we're doing on the show. People liked last week. A lot of people liked last week. This week is equally as provocative. Dame, kristen and I have all taken a money personality test. Is that what we're calling it?


Kristen Ahlenius
Yeah, you can call it money personality test. Yeah.


Peter Dunn
Danza. Don't say happy fashion Camel Friday. This is not a stolen valor situation. I'm so upset now. Dame I was serving up Luke's.


Kristen Ahlenius
Danza's my favorite.


Peter Dunn
Don't pick favorites, especially when they mock me. So Kristen has the results of our money personality tests, and so I've not seen our results. Dame, have you seen your results?


Damian Dunn
I only saw mine long enough because I had them sent to me instead of her, and I forwarded them on, so I haven't dug into them.


Peter Dunn
So anyway, we may find out I'm a psychopath today, is what I'm telling you.


Damian Dunn


Peter Dunn
Kristen, are any of the personality bits that we're about to get into, are any of them negative? Are they, like, this is bad, or do they all have a positive spin to them?


Kristen Ahlenius
All of them have pros and cons. There's four that we'll dig into, and there's one that you want to have more of than the others, and the other three are considered to be more negative, but there are pros and cons to all of the money scripts.


Peter Dunn
Maybe we should save it for the air. But I felt like taking it. It was unfair as a financial professional to be taking the thing.


Kristen Ahlenius
Yeah. And they don't ask the same exit questions on every survey, but they do ask if you're in the financial industry, because financial professionals are more likely to score high in two of the categories over the other two just by nature of what you do for a living.


Peter Dunn
All right, fantastic. Dame, big plans this weekend?


Damian Dunn
Swim weekend for the Aqua Duns. I will be traveling the great state of Indiana once again.


Peter Dunn
Kristen, is it happening this weekend?


Kristen Ahlenius
We'll see this weekend. We'll try again.


Peter Dunn
Boy, oh, boy. All right. Going on a date with my wife this weekend, which means I'm not sure what that means, but that's what we're doing.


Damian Dunn
Money will be spent.


Peter Dunn
Money will be spent. All right, let's start the show. Jeremiah, I am not in a hurry today. I got all the time in the world. Wow. Although I do have a meeting at the top of the hour, so let's get going. All right, in three I'm not ready. Eventful morning. Two, one. This week on The Pete the Planner Show, we answer your money questions. Here's how the show works. You email us, that's,, and here's what will happen next. We'll actually ignore your question and talk about what we want to talk about on the show, which is exactly what we're doing today, thanks to my colleagues, Kristen Ahlenius and Damian Dunn. Hello, folks.


Kristen Ahlenius


Damian Dunn
Good day, Pete.


Peter Dunn
These two fine people are instrumental in the work that we do here at Your Moneyline. Kristen is the director of Education, enjoys long walks with her dogs, and Damien is the Vice President of Advice and enjoys warm hats in cold weather. He's bald. All right, Kristen, this week you sent out a link to Damon. I saying take your money. Personality tests. So today what we're doing on this week's show is we are helping people understand what these different personality traits might be. And then we're going to have a little bit of a game where Dame and I have to guess who has these traits amongst us three. So you hold the results of all it's like 23 ANDME but for money personalities. Dame. Yes. You had a question because you're raising your hand.


Damian Dunn
I would say that this is a little bit more than just a money personality quiz. You make it sound like it's in the back half of cosmo when you say that. This is actually a little bit more scientific than that.


Peter Dunn
Well, I find that comment to be misogynistic, first off. Second off, Kristen, I was hoping you'd jump in and save me and actually do this thing justice to Dame's point, because it is a lot more and I just haven't thought about it. What is it?


Kristen Ahlenius
It is a lot more. So, a doctor of psychology, a CFP, his name is Brad Klontz, he developed this money script is what he calls them. There's four of them. And the idea is that these money scripts are really your core belief patterns when it comes to money. So how do you view money? The good and bad is that these are not usually something we're actively thinking about. They usually are a factor of your upbringing when it comes to money. And the goal overall is to just be more aware of how you behave toward money, how you feel with respect to money or concerning money, so that you can predict behaviors that you might be susceptible to. And we're going to dig into that a little bit.


Peter Dunn
All right, well, Kristen, I have to ask before we get going here, you've clearly done this what are we calling it? I got to quit calling it a personality assessment.


Kristen Ahlenius
He calls it an inventory.


Peter Dunn
No, it's a bit much. We'll call it an assessment. You've done this assessment on yourself. You've performed it on Dame and I I'm flying blind here. I'm about to find out that know the father of a bunch of children or something. Have you performed this assessment on anyone else in your life that is not financially minded?


Kristen Ahlenius
Yeah, I made someone practice this with me yesterday, actually.


Peter Dunn
Okay, so maybe we'll get to that later. But where I go, like, I want Mrs. Planner to take this assessment, but then she doesn't really like being my guinea pig for stuff like yeah, she's.


Damian Dunn
Kristen's guinea pig, not yours.


Kristen Ahlenius
That's true.


Peter Dunn
Yeah. Well, maybe she thinks she likes you more, Dame. So where should we start here? Kristen, explain what's going on here.


Damian Dunn
Yeah, I think a little bit of background, which she's given us some high level, but maybe explain the groups and where we're headed with Kristen.


Peter Dunn
Yeah. Yeah.


Kristen Ahlenius
So we each took this inventory, as he calls it, this assessment. And there's a shorter version, which we took, which was, I think, 30 some OD questions. And then there is a longer version on his website, but then it scores you with respect to the four money scripts, which we'll dig into what they are, but they're avoidance, worship status and vigilance.


Peter Dunn
Okay, can we dig through those now? Because now yeah, back in my head. Well, the first one is what?


Kristen Ahlenius


Peter Dunn
Okay. So if you have the money script of avoidance, what are you avoiding?


Kristen Ahlenius
Sure. So I have a bunch of notes. I'm so into this. I willingly read 50 pages of publication on this week, because I'm that much of a nerd. So if you are money avoidant, you might have this belief that money is bad. You might think that you don't deserve money when it comes to your emotions with respect to money. You might think that it's a fearful thing, it might cause anxiety. You might think that people who have money are bad. This can lead to financial denial. We'll get into maybe money disorders, too, but you can actually be prone to self sabotage because you want to keep that distance from money. And then when you look at persons who are surveyed, persons who don't know their net worth are most likely to be money avoidant, which I think tracks.


Peter Dunn
By the way, when I took this assessment, because I knew you were getting the results, I did not put my net worth in there.


Kristen Ahlenius
Oh, I can't see that part.


Peter Dunn


Kristen Ahlenius
I can only see I threw it off zero.


Peter Dunn
Yeah, I put one just because I didn't want that to impact the results. I will say this, she's explaining this avoidance. I'm having a hard time thinking this isn't simply a very negative quality. Do you see a different side to it? I'm trying to be empathetic here, but that seems like a bad thing.


Damian Dunn
There are a lot of challenges that would come along with having a strong trait of money avoidance. That's to be sure, if you wanted to try and frame things in the positive light, somebody who's going to be money avoidant may be very generous with their money because they don't want it in their lifestyle. They don't want it around them because of experiences they've had when they were young or maybe how they saw it used in their family or what it's done to other family members. So it's very possible that somebody that's money avoidant could be really generous with their money, which is outwardly a very great thing, but inwardly it could be, as Kristen said, sabotaging your future.


Peter Dunn
Kristen, what other positive qualities of the money avoidance should we recognize?


Kristen Ahlenius
I kind of struggle to find because and that's my bias, and that'll come up later on, but one of us was more money avoidant than the other two.


Peter Dunn
Okay, so Damon, I get to guess, right?


Kristen Ahlenius
Yeah, if you'd like.


Peter Dunn
Okay. Oh, man. First off, does it rank a scale? Because there's no way any of us are that money avoidant.


Kristen Ahlenius
Absolutely. So there's low, medium, and high. So if you rank low, it means that you don't exhibit the behaviors of that money behavior or that money script. If you're medium, that you have some of those qualities, and if you're high, that they place you in that category of this is your money script.


Peter Dunn
So within the low scale, is there a magnitude or is it just low?


Kristen Ahlenius
The numbers rank from one to three. In low total, they rank one to six.


Peter Dunn
Okay. So, Dame, I think oh, my, I'm so nervous right now.


Kristen Ahlenius
Well, yeah, because you just said it's a bad trait, and now you have to say one of us has.


Peter Dunn
I think Kristen has the highest level of money avoidance of the three of us.


Damian Dunn
And not that one of us has it. One of us just scores higher than the others.


Peter Dunn
I think she scores high on the low is where I'm going.


Damian Dunn
I'm going to go with Pete.


Kristen Ahlenius
It's actually dame. Dame scored the highest of three.


Peter Dunn
What? Oh, my God. Okay, wait, so what did he score? Dame, do we have permission to share your score on the well, I just.


Kristen Ahlenius
Did or too late.


Peter Dunn
You have permission to share all yeah.


Damian Dunn
I don't care.


Kristen Ahlenius
He still scored low, but he did score the highest of the three of us, and he is very close to the exhibiting some behaviors of money avoidance.


Peter Dunn
So it's just interesting.


Kristen Ahlenius
Something to be aware of.


Peter Dunn
This is the best thing that's ever happened to the show. What's your score?


Kristen Ahlenius
So I scored 2.1. Damien scored 2.5, and you scored 1.51.5. You barely read flipping.


Peter Dunn
Jeez, I'm embarrassed about my score. Dame, you must beside yourself. All right, so we have a minute left here in the segment. Dame, do you feel get on the couch. Lay down, buddy. Do you feel you know where some semblance of your money, your very obvious and deep money avoidance comes from?


Damian Dunn
I could really fluff myself here and say that it has to be all that money that I give away. But no, I'm not really confident that I can point to something that would say that I am the highest of us in money avoidance.


Peter Dunn
That's so interesting. All right, so coming up after the break, what are the other three qualities real quick that we're going to hit after the break?


Kristen Ahlenius
Focus status, vigilance.


Peter Dunn
Focus status and vigilance. Someone's about to get embarrassed and ODS are it's going to be me. So coming back after the break, we will talk more of the money traits that we have in our lives and who has the worst and the best right here on the Pete the Planner show. I'm Pete, the planner man. I swore it was going to be Kristen, but I mean, again, we're all in the low, correct? It doesn't matter.


Damian Dunn
There's a cosmo quiz. There's no science behind it.


Peter Dunn
In middle school band, I was a percussionist, which meant I played the triangle and I would sit behind the clarinets. And in my middle school and again, I'm a 44 year old man talking about this now, but I'm thinking back as a twelve year old boy all like the girls I wanted to hang out with were clarinetists. There were a couple that were flautists and then one that was a pianist. And I would note that the clarinet section, the woodwinds of Guyne Creek Middle School were always doing those cosmo quizzes. When I think of cosmo quizzes, I think of being in middle school band and the clarinetists saying, hey, triangle man, what is your love personality? And I believe I was like a lemur or like a Snickers bar or something, I don't remember, but I was very illuminated.


Damian Dunn
The quizzes that decal Middle fancied were from 17 magazine and we essentially fought over those when they came in, the guys would just huddle around and take the quizzes.


Peter Dunn
In retrospect, Kristen, I believe mine too was 17 magazine because I don't know why a twelve year old girl would be cosmo because I wasn't living in Carmel at the time. Now I can see that, but I was living in Marion County so it was definitely 17 magazine. Kristen, what was your teeny bopper magazine that you would read? I know magazines as a whole industry were dead when you were a teenager because you're very young. But was there a magazine that you read guns and Ammo or what were.


Kristen Ahlenius
You reading that was second on the list, but first was I think it was called Tiger Beat.


Peter Dunn
Was that still around?


Kristen Ahlenius
I have no idea.


Peter Dunn
Who was the teen heartthrob when you were good question.


Kristen Ahlenius
Probably Bieber. No, people really liked the lead singer of the Backstreet Boys, Nick Carter.


Peter Dunn
Really? Then oh, yeah.


Kristen Ahlenius
Because he was older.


Peter Dunn
I feel like Dame the heartthrob for us males was Kirk Cameron. You had, like, Ricky Schroeder. Those are definitely, like, mid eighty s, I say.


Damian Dunn
That's 80s stuff.


Peter Dunn
Ralph Machio.


Damian Dunn
That's not middle school. That's early.


Peter Dunn
Okay, so you're talking like New Kids on the Block, then.


Damian Dunn
Yeah, new Kids were huge in, like, 6th grade.


Peter Dunn


Kristen Ahlenius
I was laughing at Rick's comment.


Peter Dunn
Highlights was always the best when I was a kid. Of course. That's well before the teenage years. Yes.


Damian Dunn
He's not wrong. Highlights was awesome.


Peter Dunn
I would be in my dentist office, who was my uncle, and I would just be all up in that item find in Highlights magazine. Actually, got to be honest, I don't like being rude, which is surprising to some people. I think the only good quality of Highlights magazine was the item search. There's nothing else of substance in there, was there?


Damian Dunn
I can't remember the two brothers where the one was good and the one was Goopus and DeLong. Yeah. There you go. There you go.


Peter Dunn
How did that come out of my head?


Damian Dunn
I don't know, but it's amazing.


Peter Dunn
That was it, right?


Damian Dunn
Goofy 98%. Sure, that's what it was. Goofus and galant.


Peter Dunn
Yeah. I used to read Mad magazine and Cracked magazine. Yeah, of course. Garbage Pail Kids Pro Football Weekly, which was no. Beckett. Beckett. Yeah. Okay, back to the show.


Kristen Ahlenius
Oh, yeah.


Peter Dunn
What's this next trait we're going.


Kristen Ahlenius


Peter Dunn
Oh, boy. I feel like I'm going to get killed here. In three, two, one. Back on the Pete the Planner show. It's the big reveal here today on the show as we talk about our primary money scripts. Kristen, for those just joining us late, which is super weird on a podcast, but makes sense on the radio, what are we doing? What's this called? Why are we doing this?


Kristen Ahlenius
This is an inventory to identify our money behaviors, our core beliefs about money, in an attempt to maybe prevent us from making decisions we might be inclined to make due to these unconscious biases.


Peter Dunn
The first segment we covered, money avoidance, and Dame scored the highest on money avoidance, despite the fact that it was still very low on the scale. Kristen and I were lower. Now, this next trait is what?


Kristen Ahlenius
The next trait? Is money focus or money worship?


Peter Dunn
So give us a read of what this looks like. Sure.


Kristen Ahlenius
So the idea is the core belief is that money will make things better. It's actually the most common belief among Americans surveyed. Often people in this group think that money will solve their problems. And if we look at some of the questions that were asked in this assessment, that would have identified you with this group, one of the questions was, things would better if I had more money. And another question was, money buys freedom.


Peter Dunn
All right, Dame, how do you get your head around this? I can actually, as she's going through it. I hear some pros and cons, some advantages and disadvantages. How do you read it?


Damian Dunn
Yeah, I can see the exact same point of view. There is something to money being a stabilizing factor and providing a sort of freedom to somebody's lifestyle. However, that could potentially spiral. Really? A I feel like a balance to be struck here, for sure.


Peter Dunn
All right, so, Dame, you and I get to guess who worships money the most. And I think what you and I learned in the last segment, dame, since we know there's three groups, low, middle, and high, let's go ahead and guess where people are in those as well.


Damian Dunn
Can I ask a question here, kristen, is there a chance that all of us scored higher in one category? Did all of us win one category win?


Peter Dunn


Damian Dunn


Peter Dunn
Rick Swank on Facebook live notes that Biggie Smalls did not fall into this category. He did not score high on the more money, less problems. He scored high on more money, more problems.


Kristen Ahlenius
And before you guess, the person who won quote this category scored an entire point higher than the other two.


Peter Dunn
Dame, you go first this time. You go first, Kristen. This is fun.


Damian Dunn
I mean, the polite thing to do is just say yourself, right?


Peter Dunn
I'm not interested in polite. I'm interested in winning. Pete.


Damian Dunn
I'm going to say Pete again.


Peter Dunn
Can I give my reason why it's Damian. I'm saying Kristen again. Can I give my reason why it's Damon. I are in different stages of our life than you are. Right. And that doesn't make it good or bad. But when I was your age, my view on money was different than it is now, and I assume Dames is too. So that's why I think in this category, you're the highest. And boy, I can't wait to be wrong. So start with the lowest and then make your way up to the high.


Kristen Ahlenius
The lowest was Dame.


Peter Dunn
Oh, no.


Kristen Ahlenius
He scored a three, which is considered medium, which is that you do exhibit some of the behavior. Pete, you scored a 3.29, which also puts you in the medium, and I scored a whopping 4.57, putting me in the high category. It's actually my primary money script.


Peter Dunn
Okay, but first of all, there's no but. This is not a bad thing. This is not a bad thing. And I think the context of your adult life, Kristen, because I know you I think the story's there right. Like, it totally makes sense. Dame right, yeah, absolutely.


Damian Dunn
As you were starting to unpack your reasoning, I was like, oh, yeah, that's actually insightful. Nice job.


Kristen Ahlenius
So if you look at when they originally did this assessment, they asked people like 100 questions about who they are, gender, race, socioeconomic status when you were growing up, like on and on. And the person most likely to have money focus or money worship as their primary script is a young, white, single person. So like me. Yeah, it's me. The thing that I think is really interesting, though is that a generational thing because there's not enough data to measure over the long term. Is that a generational thing? Is that because a millennial or a Gen Z tends to have more of this money script and as I go through life, as real life happens, will I change my view or is it a generational difference? Is it because boomers, gen X, et cetera. Is it because those generations have different views about money? That's what I think is super interesting.


Peter Dunn
That is interesting. Dame. I think I can maybe reason as to why you're lower than I am. Not that materialism comes into this, but I feel like materialism has to be on this spectrum of money worship and I am definitely more materialistic than you.


Damian Dunn
Yeah, I think we both value certain things a lot. We have different preferences in different places. We would prefer to spend our money, maybe. But you also live in a fairly metropolitan area or suburb area. And I live somewhere where it's just easier to get by. To get by.


Peter Dunn
Kristen, did these results surprise you in this category?


Kristen Ahlenius
I was a little surprised to be quite so high, but I thought it was difficult because I am a believer and money isn't the thing that's going to solve all of your problems. But I do think having access to money can help you focus on other things. So I did find a little bit of difficulty in answering some of the questions because one of the questions was things would better if I had more money. I don't think that it's the money itself. I think it's the opportunity. It opens up a much bigger can of worms.


Peter Dunn
All right, what is the next quality? We're going to try to at least get the explanation in this segment.


Kristen Ahlenius
So this one is money status. So money status. Status seekers tend to think that their self worth can be correlated with their net worth. They're often associated with higher levels of anxiety and unhappiness. And those raised in a lower socioeconomic status are most likely to endorse money status beliefs.


Peter Dunn
Okay, so those raised in lower socioeconomic environments will score higher on this one.


Kristen Ahlenius


Peter Dunn
This is another one where I can see the pros and cons. The first one money avoidance. Yeah, I didn't see a lot of pros. The second one I see it both sides. This one I kind of see both sides. Was there a lot of variance amongst our scores?


Kristen Ahlenius


Damian Dunn
You're going to love vigilance. The explanation of vigilance on Pete, I can tell you that. You're going to say this is the one.


Peter Dunn
Okay, so not a lot of variance here. My gut is we all scored pretty low on this. Maybe high side of low. What's the name of this one again?


Kristen Ahlenius


Peter Dunn
I was going to say myself. It's my turn to guess first. But I did not grow up in a modest socioeconomic situation. I mean, I grew upper middle class, and so that throws me off a little bit. Dame who? What do you think?


Damian Dunn
I'll go with Kristen.


Peter Dunn
You're stealing my guesses. I was going to guess her the whole time just so she'd have a complex. You know what? Here's what we're going to do. We're going to get the answer after the break. Oh, my God. We did it. We just Ryan Seacrest this genre. Oh, boy. Okay, so coming up after the what money worship? Is that what this one is?


Kristen Ahlenius
Money status?


Peter Dunn
Who thinks money is all about status? That's next right here on the Pete the Planner show. Is it Dame? Is it Kristen? Is it me who sees money as status? You'll know, right after boy, oh, boy. You want to change your answer, Dan?


Damian Dunn
No, I'm having a mild panic attack because Google just decided right now is a fantastic time to force me to update my password, and it signed me out of the document that had the news on.


Peter Dunn


Damian Dunn
Struggling behind the scenes.


Kristen Ahlenius
So the thing that we don't have time to get into on the show but is the follow up of this if someone's listening to this and they want to dig into this deeper. So Dr. Klontz recognizes eight money disorders disordered behavior when it comes to money, and the goal is to identify which you might be at risk for based on your money. Like that's. That's the follow up is, am I more susceptible to the only one that's recognized by the I think it's the American Psychological Association is gambling. But he recognizes seven others that could prohibit you from leading your most healthy financial life.


Peter Dunn
So will it tell us on each of one of those things, our susceptibility on a scale? Because gambling for me has got to be, like, the lowest susceptibility ever. I have no desire to gamble.


Kristen Ahlenius
It doesn't. So on your assessment, which I can forward your assessment since you haven't seen it gives you prompts for how to work against maybe some of the negative tendencies of your money behavior. So, for example, if you're money avoidant, one of the things that you can do is kind of force your exposure to money, because we tend to be less anxious about things that we understand. And then he has a write up on things that you can do. So it's more about your behavior and not about those. Hey, you might be at risk to be a gambler. He's focusing on changes that you can make.


Peter Dunn
This is really great. Good for this guy.


Kristen Ahlenius
He's brilliant.


Damian Dunn
Yeah, he's really good.


Peter Dunn
So he did this, and I wore fashion camo on Veterans Day.


Damian Dunn
I mean, he didn't do this today.


Peter Dunn
No, but I'm just saying that's the sort of quality of thinking. I cannot believe I've been out in public in fashion camo today.


Damian Dunn
Do you think Mrs. Planner recognized and just said, well, let's see how that works out for the guy.


Peter Dunn
I was out of the house before. I think she saw anything other than the back of her eyelids. Oh, man, I feel awkward. Okay.


Kristen Ahlenius
Way to go, Dame. It was fine.


Peter Dunn
No dame like. Thank you. Thank you for your service.


Damian Dunn
Yeah, who better to point it out than a friend in front of an entire podcast and then cracking him?


Peter Dunn
It was stolen valor, which is always the funniest.


Kristen Ahlenius
You love that.


Peter Dunn
I love stolen valor. I mean, I love witnessing the accusation of stolen valor, and I even enjoyed it when you levied that on me. Okay, let's start the show in three, two, one. Back on the Pete the Planner show, we are exploring our money scripts. What does that mean? It means there are four distinct money scripts. Inventories, if you I don't know. And we're going through them. Kristen found this. It's really great. And so we're doing a guessing game of who has the highest and lowest amounts of these particular qualities. Kristen, quick recap. 1st 2nd segment. Who is the highest and lowest? And then where are we now as we get into the third money script?


Kristen Ahlenius
And the fourth money script, the most avoidant was Dame. The most focused or worshipped when it comes to money that sounds awful. Was me. And then before the break, we talked about money status, and everyone guessed that it was me.


Peter Dunn
Oh, wait, I guessed myself. Oh, yeah, I guess myself.


Damian Dunn
He said he was going to guess you, but he decided not to.


Peter Dunn
Yeah, I guessed myself. He guessed you.


Kristen Ahlenius
You should have taken that back because it was me. I scored the highest. But we all scored very low on money status. The highest score was 2.1, and you would have to be a three to even be considered to have traits of that behavior.


Peter Dunn
So what was dame?


Kristen Ahlenius
Dame was 1.57.


Peter Dunn
What was I? So I was the lowest. So I'm an idiot. Yeah.


Kristen Ahlenius
Something that's also kind of interesting about the scores is that your scores overall were just kind of brought down. So I think that your responses maybe weren't as aggressive when you were answering the assessment as mine. There were some statements that I was like, absolutely not strongly disagree. I think I answered that way more often than the two of you because the range in my scores is also much greater.


Peter Dunn
Dame, I have a hypothesis here. Do you realize in the last three weeks I've said the word hypothesis like, 500 times? I've got to stop. Anyway, dame, here's the h that I have about this for Kristen's last point. With all due respect, wisdom, the wisdom of not thinking, you're always like, you know what? Feel. I have an opinion, but I don't feel strongly about much, even money. So do you think it's possible that you and I have learned how little we know. While Kristen, foolishly, like a young person, knows everything. Do you think that's possible?


Damian Dunn
I think it's possible that's one of the things that I actually admire about Kristen is how emphatic she is and how strongly she believes in certain things. But I think you and I have seen enough to know enough that.


Peter Dunn


Damian Dunn
Try and learn as much as we can as we go.


Peter Dunn
I think just our personalities think I think our personalities are just different too. Forget age, right? I think Kristen knows what she knows, and that's a positive quality about her, right?


Damian Dunn


Peter Dunn
We're talking about it like, she's not here.


Damian Dunn
It's okay.


Kristen Ahlenius
Still here.


Peter Dunn
All right, last quality. What is it? Explain it. And then we're voting.


Kristen Ahlenius
So the last one is considered to be the most positive. It's money vigilance. So those who are vigilant are alert, they're watchful, they're concerned, they prioritize saving and frugality. They're the least likely to use credit of the groups. The downside is that this can lead to excessive worry. It can lead to financial anxiety. You become at risk for underspending or financial hoarding in some more extreme cases. And statements that align with the money vigilant are money should be saved, not spent. And the second one that I picked out of the questions was, it is important to save for a rainy day.


Peter Dunn
All right. Money hoarding is like I mean, it's a thing. I shouldn't laugh about it, but it's like, oh, I saved too much money.


Kristen Ahlenius
Well, and it leads into one of the disorders is also hoarding, though, because then people have a tendency to not be able to let go of things because they have financial value. So it can spill over into actually hoarding, not just like, hey, I saved too much. That's the.


Peter Dunn
Guess. I guessed first, and Dame guessed, and I guess it's Dame's guest first.


Damian Dunn
Are we off of guessing yourself? For I know you did last me.


Peter Dunn
I'm saying kristen, wait. Okay, so hold on a second there's. Low, medium, and high. How many people scored in what groups?


Kristen Ahlenius
Two people scored in the medium, and one scored in the high.


Peter Dunn
All right, dame and I are in the medium, you're in the high. And here's why. I think Dame and I are always in these things. We are very similar.


Damian Dunn
What was the spread? Is the person high way higher than.


Kristen Ahlenius
The other two a whole point?


Peter Dunn
Oh, yeah. Dame. It's Kristen. She's a dynamic individual.


Damian Dunn
I don't.


Peter Dunn
So what Dame said is this is the best quality, and by the way and he thinks it's himself. Okay, let's have the audience make the rules. Let's live. Guest big Rick Swink says dame. Everyone weigh in on this final category. What is it again? What is the money?


Kristen Ahlenius
What money vigilance?


Peter Dunn
Money vigilance. I think now, if Cassie, your Mrs. Planner, was taking this, she would dominate all of us in this category.


Damian Dunn
Well, I am part of a marriage pete. I mean, I have been influenced.


Peter Dunn
I don't know what that means. Okay, we've got people guessing. Tim says me. Jason says dame.


Kristen Ahlenius
No one thinks it's me.


Peter Dunn
I do. I think it's smoothier. I know. That's why I'm saying and I will also say I think this is stage of life as well. I am naturally vigilant, but I'm in my groove. I'm an old man. I'm close to like Kristen is like, she's still establishing herself. Right, okay, here we oh, you know what Rick just pointed out?


Kristen Ahlenius
Rick just called me out. Well, that doesn't mean that I didn't score the highest in this group. I still could have scored the highest, but it could have not been my highest.


Damian Dunn
Kristen, you already gave your tell away by saying, oh, that's.


Peter Dunn
Oh, that means it's me. Oh, no, wait. So, Dave, did you remember this when.


Damian Dunn
You guessed what, that Tristan buys Lattes?


Peter Dunn
No, that she already gave her primary money a script. So this is you or me. And she said not everyone scores the highest, so it's you. It's not me.


Kristen Ahlenius
So who scored the lowest?


Peter Dunn
Oh, my gosh.


Damian Dunn
Okay. Yeah, let's go that way.


Peter Dunn
Okay, I'm going to go me, and I'm going to go me. Because of what I just said, I feel more established at this stage of my life. So I at one point was really freaking Vigilant, but I'm not as much now.


Kristen Ahlenius
Dame scored the highest and then me and then Pete.


Peter Dunn
Dame, you devil, you. Look at how vigilant you are. Do you think it has a lot to do with Krav MAGA?


Damian Dunn
Totally. It's one of the core tenets, actually, of Krav MAGA, vigilant, not only in self defense, but also finances.


Peter Dunn
What are the points here on this one? What are the scores?


Kristen Ahlenius
So Dame scored a 4.5, I scored 3.6, and Pete scored 3.5.


Peter Dunn
All right, so basically I have no money script, is what you're telling me.


Kristen Ahlenius
Your highest one was a 3.5, and that is Vigilance. That's your highest money script. Dame, yours is as well, and then mine is focus. But what's interesting is that I still scored higher than you on Vigilance, even though it's not my top script.


Damian Dunn
Are we all in the mid tier for Vigilance, or did I creep into the high?


Kristen Ahlenius
You're in the high. I think 4.5 pushes you to high, so I think that you just creeped into that.


Peter Dunn
So is there, like, an overall paragraph that talks about each one of us that says what our things are? All right, so in 40 seconds, summarize the three.


Kristen Ahlenius
Well, the summary is that the two of you are vigilant, which is a great thing. The thing that you have to be mindful of is that you can take that too far. And then for me, I need to worship money less, I guess, is the takeaway.


Peter Dunn
Well, this was fun. Kristen, thank you for doing this. Dame, did you have anything to do with this.


Damian Dunn
I encouraged her to do it. Yeah.


Peter Dunn
Well, congrats on your encouragement. Yeah. Coming up after the break, biggest waste of money of the week. And we'll also give you the how to get Your Own Money scripts. We'll show you how to do that. We'll give you the website and that's it. All that and more right here on the Beats Planner show. I guess now we have to give that on the radio. I was just going to give it behind the scenes, but we should. Is there an easy way to give the address?


Kristen Ahlenius
No, because it's like a backlink on his website.


Peter Dunn
Do they talk about on the homepage or anything?


Kristen Ahlenius
No, I had to Google it to find it. I couldn't find it on his website.


Peter Dunn
All right, then we'll just help people to Google it.


Kristen Ahlenius


Damian Dunn
Google like Brad Clantz money scripts.


Kristen Ahlenius
Yep. Exactly. And it's the first thing that pops up on Google.


Peter Dunn
Brad Clantz.


Kristen Ahlenius
He's very interesting.


Damian Dunn
Another bald person.


Peter Dunn
Oh, man, we're good at that. Balds. There it is.


Kristen Ahlenius
I think most recently, though, I think he's back, too, because I started to watch a YouTube interview with him. And in an interview, he does have hair, so I don't know that he's currently with the balds.


Peter Dunn


Damian Dunn
All right.


Peter Dunn
I just posted the link on Facebook and YouTube.


Damian Dunn
Boy, let us know how you score.


Peter Dunn
Let us know. I was a little nervous with this thing that it was going to be look at Rick doing some marketing. You could put a link on your website to drive some traffic to your website first. Rick, no one listens to the show. Rick, I'm sorry to tell you, but you've made a bad choice in following us. No one cares about us. I was really glad to not be exposed as a psychopath just now.


Kristen Ahlenius
You're welcome.


Peter Dunn


Damian Dunn
Proof. Scientific proof.


Peter Dunn
That's fun. Way to go, Cloncy. Does anyone call him that, you think?


Kristen Ahlenius


Damian Dunn
Professor Cloncy.


Peter Dunn
Dr. Clancy dame. Do you have your news pulled back up?


Damian Dunn
Yes, I am ready to go.


Peter Dunn


Kristen Ahlenius
Is the obvious news going to be part of your news?


Peter Dunn
Oh, man.


Damian Dunn
I do have some. I can lead with that if we want to dig into that or if you just want to kind of I'd rather be quick.


Peter Dunn
Yeah, just do it quick because there's no point in talking about it anymore.


Kristen Ahlenius
I was going to say there's nothing to say. It's just the newest update.


Peter Dunn
It's also stupid. Okay.


Kristen Ahlenius
Tell us how you feel.


Peter Dunn
Let's have a good weekend. In three, two I'm not ready. Oh, boy. Three, two, one. This week's biggest waste of money of the week, right here on the Pizza Planner show is the cold stoic water immersion tank. Cold water immersion therapy has a number of benefits, including boosting cardiovascular circulation, reducing inflammation, fortifying the immune system, and improving mental health. The cold stoic tank from renew therapy allows owners to experience these benefits at home. Designed in California, the unit has clean lines with a natural wood deck and a weatherproof mechanics bay. Inside the bay are a magnetic drive water pump that circulates up to 20 gallons of water per minute, a titanium heat exchanger that maintains the water at temperatures between 39 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit, and an ultraviolet ozone water sanitizer and filter system that reduces maintenance and the need for chemicals. It's appropriate for indoors or outdoors and made by hand in these United States.


Peter Dunn
So I have a couple comments. First off, this is great. Who cares? But there's no way this thing is Midwest weatherproof. You know, I'm what saying, like, you put anything out in the Midwest, it freeze. It's made in California, it's weatherproof in California, but deep freezes in, like, Minneapolis? No way. Doesn't matter.


Damian Dunn
There's going to be a lot of expansion there. It doesn't look like there's a lot of room for insulation in those panels there.


Kristen Ahlenius
It looks small.


Damian Dunn
It does look small. That's a one person tank if I've ever seen one.


Peter Dunn
Yeah, there's no frolicking on, like, Temptation Island in this thing amongst the happy couple.


Damian Dunn
I mean, the water be cold, so there's not going to be much frolicking anyway.


Peter Dunn
How dated is a Temptation Island reference? Is that like from 20 years ago? Is that still a thing?


Kristen Ahlenius
I have no idea.


Peter Dunn
So that means it is an old reference. That's good. Yes. Sorry if Kristen doesn't know it's an old reference. All right, first off, Dame, would you ever want to try this at least once?


Damian Dunn
Ice baths are pretty popular right now, and I remember having to know ankles in ice buckets, and I derive no joy from any of that. So putting my entire body in a tank seems like it'd be even worse. So, no, I don't have a big desire to do this.


Peter Dunn
All right, what do you think, Kristen? Would you do it?


Kristen Ahlenius
No. Heavens no.


Peter Dunn
What's it cost, Kristen?


Kristen Ahlenius
It costs $4,000, Dame.


Damian Dunn
It's going to be like twelve grand.


Peter Dunn
Dame, what's in the news this week?


Damian Dunn
A federal judge in Texas on Thursday struck down the Biden administration student loan, or student debt forgiveness program, imperiling a key administration priority that would have canceled up to $20,000 in student loans for tens of millions of borrowers. The Biden administration's plan is a, quote, unconstitutional exercise of Congress's legislative power, end quote, that also failed to go through normal regulatory processes, judge Mark Pittman of the Northern District of Texas wrote in a 26 page opinion. The Justice Department is appealing the verdict.


Peter Dunn
I have nothing to say. I mean, just procedural. I don't know what's going to happen. This is frustrating to people who want this to happen. And Dame, here's maybe a question before we move on from this. Do you think this is not a political ruling? Right? This isn't it's just this court. People might think it's political, but it is a court ruling. Do you think this could gather support from one side of the political aisle or in terms of votes? Or do you feel like this will take away votes from a party? If this ruling holds, next election is.


Damian Dunn
So far away, it won't be an issue. It'll be reminded by the next election cycle. But no, I don't think it's going to be much of a factor.


Peter Dunn
Also, now, Kristen, this makes me think, was this ruling just come down after the election for a particular reason?


Kristen Ahlenius
I'm pretty yeah. Yeah.


Peter Dunn
Dane, what else is in the news?


Damian Dunn
Everyone knows the most basic human needs are food, water, shelter, clothing, and Netflix. Well, maybe that's not quite right, but it is how consumers are feeling now that inflation is squeezing their wallets. Maybe it's the latest season of Love is Blind Talking, but fewer than three in ten consumers say they're less likely to cut spending on subscriptions than on basics like food, according to a National Retail Group report. The research found that 44% of people in the US. Said they've tried to cut back on groceries in the past six months, while 40% said the same about clothing. But over the past year, less than one third have shrunk their monthly bills for subscription services that include media streaming like Netflix and Amazon Prime, and products and services like and DoorDash. This may be evidence of just how sticky the demand for subscriptions is as the reluctance to unsubscribe came even as monthly prices rose across the board.


Peter Dunn
I added a subscription this week.


Damian Dunn
Oh, yes, you did.


Peter Dunn
I did. I talked about it at our you did? Meeting on Wednesday. I joined the whoop universe. Here's why. Number one, I'm currently getting back into shape, as opposed to the shape like a pear. And the second thing is I have major sleep issues. Like, major sleep issues. And so I'm hoping to get some intelligence around my sleep with said band.


Damian Dunn
That'd be good for you. That's been concerning for me for quite a while. Your sleep avoidance.


Peter Dunn
Yeah. We got to make sure that we're doing these assessments where it does show me to be a psychopath. We've just chosen the wrong avenue with money. Yeah.


Damian Dunn
Are you familiar you've heard the news about the salary transparency laws in New York?


Peter Dunn
Yeah. Interesting.


Damian Dunn
Would you all like to play a little bit of a game on salary transparency for different jobs?


Peter Dunn


Damian Dunn
I love games.


Peter Dunn
Yes. Is this from the New York Times? Because I think I took not I.


Damian Dunn
Don'T think it came from the Times, but it could have been picked anyway. Sous chef at Per Se, a three star Michelin restaurant.


Peter Dunn
Yeah, I've taken this. So, Kristen, do you want to guess?


Kristen Ahlenius
I have no idea. I have no realm.


Peter Dunn
No idea at all, or no idea, per Se. Thank you. I believe, if I remember correctly, it was like, $65,000 or something like that.


Damian Dunn
70 grand.


Peter Dunn
70 grand. That's it in new York at one of the finest restaurants in the world as the number two chef. Yeah. Wow.


Damian Dunn
General superintendent of train signals at New York City Transit.


Kristen Ahlenius
Kristen I hope they make more than a chef.


Peter Dunn
They make a ton. I think it's compared to a chef, I believe it was like 121 31.


Damian Dunn
Four to 154 is the range.


Peter Dunn


Kristen Ahlenius


Damian Dunn
Exhibition coordinator at the Whitney Museum of Art.


Peter Dunn
Sorry, why are you laughing at that?


Kristen Ahlenius
I'm laughing at Rick's comment.


Damian Dunn
Yes, exactly right. Nice job.


Peter Dunn
That's a standard guess, I think, on a lot of these, but go ahead.


Damian Dunn
Anchor at WCBS TV. Channel two.


Peter Dunn
Okay. Go ahead, Chris.


Kristen Ahlenius
I bet they make less. Do they make 50?


Peter Dunn
Oh, no.


Damian Dunn
For TV.


Kristen Ahlenius
Anchor how big is this network?


Peter Dunn
It's in New York.


Damian Dunn
It's a major metropolitan in New York City.


Kristen Ahlenius
Oh, well, then I don't know double that.


Peter Dunn
Anchors make, or they used to, at least. So much money. So the lead anchors of, like, back in the day of, like, the 506:00 news. Shocking how much money they make. Shocking. In this case, a dame, if I remember correctly, it's like, just under two or around 2250. Yeah.


Damian Dunn
And we don't know the slot that this anchor is at, but it's 230 to 250.


Kristen Ahlenius
Is the income there, guacamole.


Peter Dunn
I'll just say that's low from if they were the lead anchor indianapolis back in the day, it was a lot higher than that. Wow. You can pay for a lot of good hair product, but you have to.


Damian Dunn
Finally executive director of fixed income trading at Morgan Chase's Global Wealth Management Division.


Kristen Ahlenius
Is it going to be disgusting?


Peter Dunn
It's a wide range, which is not even fair.


Damian Dunn
142 to 300,000.


Kristen Ahlenius


Peter Dunn
Look at that, man, it was like game show week.


Damian Dunn
Here, use those numbers, kids, as you're negotiating your salaries.


Peter Dunn
Man, oh, man. All right. Well, hey, Kristen, great job this week on the show. Dame put a little game together. I brought Stolen Valor to the show this week. Oh, boy. Thanks for all that. Served all the veterans out there Friday and the whole Veterans Day weekend, I guess we'll call it. Send you good vibes, because good vibes are all that's in the budget. I'm Pete the planner. This is Pete the Planner. Show stolen valor.


Kristen Ahlenius
Another cosmo.


Peter Dunn
Good times. All right, everybody, I'm going to go. I brought bagels in. Donut Sad cousin. I brought bagels in for everybody today.


Damian Dunn
Thanks for doing that today instead of Wednesday when I was in the office.


Peter Dunn
Big Rick Swink says check out F three. Okay.


Damian Dunn
Is that f one?


Peter Dunn
I don't know. It's like the crappy f one league. What's? F three. Oh, fitness fellowship and faith. Oh, I know where that's at, I think.


Damian Dunn
Sounds fun.


Peter Dunn
Fitness fellowship and faith. Well, I'm good at one of those. Can we guess what it is? Thanks, Rick. Free men's workout group. Oh. Here's the problem, Rick. I don't like being around people. That's the challenge. Boy, I have you fooled. Dame, solo workout guy for you, or do you like working on a pack?


Damian Dunn
I like one or two other people for the accountability, but the whole CrossFit aspect, I don't know if I could.


Peter Dunn
Get into Kristen solo or group workouts solo. I am major solo to the point where if I'm on the peloton or something and Mrs. Planner comes into, like, I'm just like, don't judge me right now, ma'am.


Damian Dunn
So how do you view riding a bicycle, like, out on a road ride?


Peter Dunn
That doesn't bother me. I'm just trying not to die.


Damian Dunn
Yeah. Would you prefer to ride solo or in a path?


Peter Dunn
Absolutely solo. 100% every time. Yeah. And I have been working out a lot last couple of weeks. I'll get up at, like, 5530, so I'm the only person outside working out. Not because I don't want people to see me. It's just like, I love feeling like I'm alone when I'm working out. I don't know. It's a dumb psychological thing for me. Like, I'm grinding.


Damian Dunn
Nobody else is doing this.


Peter Dunn
No one else is putting in as much effort.


Kristen Ahlenius
Take a picture of your watch. Jocko.


Damian Dunn
Can you set up your phone to take video clips as you run by in a sweatsuit? And we can play the rocky music underneath sometime.


Kristen Ahlenius


Damian Dunn


Peter Dunn
No one wants to see that. All right, that's it. That's all I got. So, Kristen, this is it. This is the weekend. This is it, this is it. Dame probably not for you. Everybody else, they get money.