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Getting a Head Start on the Holiday Feasts

The Holidays are coming! We are a few months out, and it’s time to start preparing what you plan on having and the increased grocery costs during this holiday season. From all the potlucks, hosting dinners & brunches, and impromptu get-togethers, it can get pricey very quickly. 

The Holidays are stressful, but the pressure can be significantly reduced by planning. Even if you cannot stick to your meal plan 100%, it will provide you with information for a few dishes you can whip up in no time. 

Here are some ways you can plan for those additional grocery expenses: 

Have a Meal Plan: Buy the ingredients in bulk for those items. Start looking for sales and purchase items you know will be used up in the next few months with all the added cooking and baking. Also, have a few signature dishes you can put together for potlucks and when you get unexpected visitors stopping by. 

Shop your Pantry, Fridge, and Freezer: Look at what you already have and see what meals you can come up with. Then, make a list of items that you still need to purchase. This will help you rotate and use items you already have and help you spend less doing so. A win, win! 

Use in-season ingredients: plan your meals and dishes around what is available during that season. Not only are these ingredients fresher they are less expensive and readily available. 

Try not to use specialty ingredients: these specialty ingredients will most like not to be used ever again and tend to be on the pricey side. Instead, look for substitutions that will make the dish work and that your family will enjoy the dish. If you think you will use it up, go ahead! 

Plan to make extra and have a plan to use up the leftovers: sometimes, leftovers can have a bad reputation. Having a plan to use leftovers ahead of time can make it easier to create the meals and know how to store the food. 

Trying new dishes can be existing and daunting; limit those to a couple. Your family probably is looking forward to certain dishes only made during the holidays. Ask your family for suggestions and help create the meal plan and the meals. The more you can prepare ahead of time, the more time you will have to spend enjoying the holidays with your family and friends.  
Our Financial Guides are here to help you navigate your finances through all of the different holiday expenses that this year might bring. We can provide you with guidance and serve as accountability partners to help you stay on track. If you would like more information on how we can help your employees please reach out to Your Money Line.